A personalized approach specifically for you
CNHI Capital Factory Financing
We are experts in financing agricultural and construction machinery. We offer customers financing and insurance services tailored to their needs. With our innovative and flexible offerings, we can adjust the repayment plan to the life of the machine, finance additional equipment and accessories for a new or used machine.
Product offer
- European Loan
product intended for customers who have signed an agreement with ARMA, ARR, Marshal's Offices for the purchase of agricultural machinery- Currency
- Period: 12-96 months
- Initial fee: from 0%
- Installments: Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, adjusted according to the income generated by the household
- Possibility of VAT financing
- Ordinary loan
A product designed for customers who wish to finance the purchase of new or used agricultural machinery.- Currency
- Period: 12-96 months
- Initial fee: from 0%
- Installments: Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, adjusted according to the income generated by the household
- Possibility of VAT financing
- Operating leases
product intended mainly for agricultural enterprises able to count the leasing installment as a tax-deductible expense- Currency
- Period: 36-96 months
- Initial fee: from 0%
- Installments: Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, seasonal
- Financial Leasing
The product is designed for agricultural enterprises that can independently amortize the object of financing. An upfront VAT payment on the principal and interest portion is required.
Checking your creditworthiness
- Documents for the credit application:
- Completed Application form with attachment
- Identity card (ID)
- Payment order for agricultural tax
- W przypadku dotacji PROW, kserokopia umowy z ARiMR wraz z aneksami i zestawieniem rzeczowo-kosztowym
- Lease agreements (if any)
- In the case of conducting Business Activities additionally:
- PIT za dwa ostatnie lata (jednoosobowa działalność, s.c.) lub RZiS i Bilans (sp. z o.o.)
- Dane finansowe (przychód i dochód) za okres bieżący (KPiR lub RZiS i Bilans)
- Attractive financing offer on the market
- Quick credit decision
- Flexible repayment schedule (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, seasonally)
- Minimum of paperwork
- Attractive insurance
Have questions?
Need help?
For all information regarding the financing of your purchases, please contact our financial advisor.